Accreditation Assistance
Are you currently accredited, or are striving to be accredited for AASHTO R18, ASTM E329, ISO 17025, or another quality standard? Many labs excel at meeting the requirements of the testing standards but struggle to show compliance with the requirements of these quality standards. We help investigate, perform corrective action, and keep record of the following quality-related items your assessor will be asking for: quality incidents, nonconforming work, proficiency sample ratings, and customer feedback/complaints. Additionally we can meet with your assessor to walk them through the review of these items and the contents of your quality system manual to cut down on assessment findings.
Calibration Review
Most quality systems have specific requirements for the calibration, standardization, or check procedures performed on your equipment. Additionally, there are further requirements for your calibration records, including traceability and uncertainty of measurement. During an assessment is not the ideal time to find out that your procedures or records are nonconforming. We can review all in-house or external equipment procedures and records to ensure that they meet the requirements of all applicable quality standards.
Document Control
A robust Quality Management System contains a quality system manual to document your policies, a thorough collection of operating procedures, and custom forms to keep record of quality activities. Areas of lab operations that the QMS should cover include sampling, transportion, receiving, storage, testing, & disposal of materials; reporting & data transmittal; equipment maintenance, verification & calibration; personnel training, evaluation & certification; purchasing & subcontracting; external assessment & internal auditing; proficiency sample participation; and investigating customer complaints & nonconforming work. We can develop an entire QMS for your lab operations or, if you have something in place already, we can review, maintain, and update the existing manuals, procedures, and forms as needed.
Internal Auditing
Do your internal audits show "Satisfactory" all over them but whenever your lab has a external assessment there are several findings? Principles of internal auditing recommend that an audit be performed by a trained and qualified person that is not directly involved with the day to day operations of the lab being audited. An internal audit can be an extremely valuable tool for helping the lab's efficiency and quality if done correctly. We can perform an on-site internal audit to compare your lab operations against your QMS. We review the findings of the audit with management, follow up with the responsible party in the lab to correct and close out findings, and coordinate an annual management review meeting.
For mobile or field labs audits are performed in one visit. For labs with a limited scope of testing we will perform the audit over two visits during the year. For labs with a full scope of testing we will perform the audit over three visits during the year. For each visit we will communicate with the lab to discuss what scope(s) of testing we will be auditing during that visit. Annually the entire scope of testing that the lab performs will be covered.
Technician Evaluation
Let us develop an in-house technician competency evaluation program for you. Be assured that your technicians have gone through a documented training program and have an understanding of the principles, procedures, and calculations for the tests they are performing. We can administer competency and/or performance evaluations to trained technicians so that you have a record of their training and proficiency.
Technician Certification
Many quality standards you may be accredited for require certification for technicians performing the work. We have developed written and performance examinations meeting the requirements of the AASHTO Accreditation Program (AAP) Certification Examination Review Team (CERT) that will allow us to issue a certification that meets the requirements for ASTM C1077, C1093, D3666, D3740, and E329.
Accreditation Assistance
$3000 annual fee for lab with 3 or less scopes of testing
$4500 annual fee for lab with full scope of testing
Internal Auditing
$1500 annual fee for mobile/field lab - performed on 1 visit per year
$3000 annual fee for lab with 3 or less scopes of testing - performed during 2 visits per year
$4500 annual fee for lab with full scope of testing - performed during 3 visits per year
Calibration Review
$1000 annual fee for lab with 3 or less scopes of testing
$1500 annual fee for lab with full scope of testing
Technician Evaluation
$2000 annual fee for lab with 3 or less scopes of testing
$3000 annual fee for lab with full scope of testing
Document Control
$10,000 annual fee to maintain and update existing QMS manuals, procedures and forms as needed
$20,000 annual fee to develop all new QMS manuals, procedures and forms
Technician Certification
Certification Program still undergoing approval by AASHTO re:source Certification Examination Review Team (CERT)
Price per technician to be determined
Next Steps...
If you are in the Southern California area, contact us to discuss your quality management needs, schedule a free lunch seminar, or just subscribe to our monthly newsletter.